Cats from the future! What is litterbox technology like? Please tell me we are past those barbaric boxes of rocks. No doubt, that would probably mean humans use their same methods to. And to think they tried to toilet train us.
When will it snow again here. Or thunder so that it scares Gray to hide under the bed. There has been very little rain as well, and rain is the best sleep.
When will there be a time when they stay home and get to know us better, rather than be transient overlords that decide when we can and cannot be fed.
When will the hermit crabs in the study talk to us? Day in day out, they sit there whispering their secrets to each other--watch their quizzical antenne and you'll know--and undoubtedly any approach is spurned by their quick retreat into those gaudy shells. One day, hermit crabs, I will know! And then, well...then I can imagine freedom will have a new name.
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boo says hello
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