Sunday, October 28, 2007


It turns the air the color of a wasps' wings,
and wind mulls about because it is soon to be
blind. Somewhere over the tree tops,
the traffic finds its way, and I think of them out there,
driving or flying or beginning a dinner.

I've slept all day, and now pacing back and forth
at this screen door, nothing but open ears and eyes,
I can only ask those that will listen:

O trees, Starlings picking through your branches,
what can you tell me of this sundown, of what to do
when it has past and I am standing here in the dark.


1 comment:

Becky said...

For a cat,Black,you sure are deep!! Maybe there is more to cats than I thought. I had no idea cats could be so philosophical!! Gives dogs a higher opinion of cats!! BUT, I'm more interested in chasing CATS.
Love, Cally